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How long does cannabis stay in your blood?
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How long does cannabis stay in your blood?

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How long does cannabis stay in your blood?

How long does cannabis stay in your blood?Before we delve deeper into the question of how long weed remains visible in your blood, it is good to know that of all drugs, both weed and hashish can be traced the longest. Exactly how long this is depends on various factors, which we will discuss further later. Not every user of weed or hashish will be curious about this information, but some cannabis connoisseurs among us will. This includes people who hold a (work) position where cannabis use is not tolerated and in some cases are even tested for it. Does this apply to you? Then read on!

How long does cannabis stay in our system?

To get straight to the point, unfortunately there is no clear answer to this. This depends on various factors, such as: age, gender, metabolism, BMI and ultimately how often someone actually consumes weed.

For example, a healthy person who smokes a joint occasionally will process the breakdown substances of cannabis faster than an unhealthy person or a (heavy) daily user.

As a rule of thumb, decomposers of cannabis can be traced in a person's blood for a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 6 weeks. The most effective way to test whether there are (active substances from) cannabis in our blood is via a urine test. This is therefore the most commonly used method by employers or authorities, for example, to test people for cannabis use.

Decomposition process of cannabis

Now that it is clear how long cannabis stays in our blood, it is useful to also get a clear picture of the breakdown process of cannabis in a human body. This is as follows:

You smoke weed, which causes THC (breakdown substances) to enter your blood. This substance enters the fatty tissue via the blood. The substances then slowly move back into the blood. But precisely because this last step is so slow, cannabis remains traceable in the blood for a fairly long time.

Here we see again that your BMI influences the period during which cannabis is present in your blood. More fatty tissue can contain more active substances, which results in a longer breakdown time of the substance.

Display for how long cannabis remains traceable in our system

See the table for an overview of the periods during which cannabis remains traceable in the blood. 





Sporadic use

1-2 weeks

5-7 days

6-8 hours

Regular use

4-6 weeks

1-3 weeks


way to get weed out of your system

Now that we know how long weed remains traceable in our system, it can also be useful to know how we get (the breakdown substances) of weed out of our body as quickly and effectively as possible.

Let's make one thing clear right away: it is not possible to get it out of our system sooner than 2 weeks after using cannabis.

The steps to drastically reduce the chance of a positive test result. 

The best way to get a negative drug test result, logically, is to stop using Cannabis.

In addition, follow the following steps to drastically reduce the chance of a positive drug test.

Drink more fluids  

As previously indicated, the most effective and most commonly used drug test is a urine test. The step that produces immediate results against this test form is drinking fluids. This has several causes. Your body cleanses itself faster when you urinate more. In addition, your urine dilutes when you drink a lot, which makes it more difficult to detect the breakdown substances.

So drink plenty of water, coffee or tea. Lemon juice can also work well. Lemon juice speeds up the metabolism. Especially where the body stores the breakdown substances. Drinking lemon juice first thing in the morning when you have to take a drug test works very well.


Adjusting your lifestyle can affect your drug test results in several ways. Sufficient and good sleep ensures a good period during which completely natural substances will be broken down.

In addition, exercise can also be beneficial. The more you perspire, the faster the breakdown substances will leave our system.

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